August 28, 2020

Ep. 19 : Job Seeker vs Talent Hunter, How to Get The Best Match

This episode is for 2 group of people, Job Seekers and also Talent Hunters.You’re going to listen to both different perspective and point of views of an employer and an employee.

As an employer yourself, you will discover:

  • What talents are really looking for in a company
  • What do they expect to receive in their career
  • Understand what job seeker are thinking and searching for in a company that they will think is ‘good’
  • How to attract the right people to join your company, and filter out who’s not
  • Conduct more effective and efficient interviews to hire the right person that will produce results
  • Some secret techniques to dig out the best talents out there, and know one when you meet one

As a job seeker and employee, you will learn:

  • What is the thought process of hiring manager
  • What traits are the hiring manager looking for
  • How to present yourself, how to communicate, and how to secure the job that you really want
  • Some deadly sins that you MUST avoid in an interview
  • What you can do to increase you chances of landing a dream job of your own
  • Some unconventional way to make yourself into the company that you are keen to join


Heads up!

Jumix is also currently seeking for enthusiastic talents to join our team!

Please go over to our career page here to check out the vacancy(s) available!

Category : 
Sanz Teoh
Copyright © 2020. After 5 At Jumix is a Podcast Show under the parent company of Jumix Sdn. Bhd.